OK so the Ozzie Lilt make Wonder i think hehe
so I wrote about Little Wanda’s blog the other day and commented on it. Little did I know till I got a message from her that this had happened (that underlined bit of text is a link to my blog! How fab is that!!!)
Ok so simple things please simple minds but I don’t think I have ever had a link to my blog on someone else’s page unless I have commented and then someone stumbled across it! I feel it is important to celebrate other peoples blogs – they spend quite a long time typing away at their pc laptop or mac and some of these don’t get read. I can’t remember if I posted my game but I think I did. You pick a blog that you read and the pick an entry – you read the entry and comments then pick a link to another blog from the comments you leave them a comment and move on to the next. And as I am sure my Mum said if you dont have something nice to say dont say it – so dont go to someone’s blog and be nasty to them – it’s their opinion and they are entitled to it whether you agree or disagree. (I also love the Ladybird!!!!!! It was a present from Colleen aka DarkSkullMistress42 – there was going to be a link to her blog but the link isn’t working so I can’t put it here 🙁 )

What a great idea about picking a comment and linking back to their blog and so on! I do this for comments left my blog, but hardly ever for comments eft on blogs I read. Will definitely have to be doing this more 🙂
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