I have the feeling that this is going to be an interesting week between the bits and pieces I’m doing. Over the weekend me and CJ went to a “conference” called Time Out for Youth Workers and its run by One Accord. I say “conference” because a marriage course makes it sound like we are having issues which we aren’t, yeah we have our little fallings out but doesn’t everyone at one time or another?? The weekend over all was awesome and very good. We arrived quite late on Friday which was a little gutting but we got there and the leaders had saved us some pizza so we sat and ate some while they started the first session – it was a little weird sitting there and eating while everyone else wasn’t but it was okay. We had Victoria sponge cake for pudding and it was gorgeous! The thing I’ve found with conferences and stuff like that when they are catered for rather than self-catering as such is that you eat so well! (The diet/health kick went out the window for a few days which wasn’t good!) I learn loads about how and me and CJ can get better at communicating and stuff like that – Okay we’re not going to be perfect but we’re trying to get better at least.
On Saturday we learnt lots about Love Languages and learning how your partner feels love. I learnt that CJ’s main love language is words of Affirmation. So like extra praise for doing little things for example – he really dislikes hanging up the washing on our airer – it’s got quite small gaps between the rails so it’s a pain to hang up stuff. So if I ask him to do and start it like “I know you don’t like it but I’d really appreciate it….” Then he feels appreciated and he does it because he knows I will be happy etc, then when I get home I remember to say “Thanks for that I really appreciate it” then he feels love because I appreciate the stuff he has done for me.
Yesterday I went to Nottingham for the day. I had an interview for the course I might be doing – as was shown by yesterdays post. The day was challenging especially some of the questions during my interviews – thankfully the first lady knew where I was coming from a lot of the time and the second lady had a nice sense of humour so kept up with me even when I tied my brains in knots and didn’t know what I was on about lol.
After I had finished in my interviews I headed for Kewey’s House – I’m never too sure which route to take as I never leave from the same place lol. This time I went from Bramcote to Mansfield, last time I went from Swannick to Mansfield.
On my way home I came a different route because of the SatNav taking me a funny way lol. I ended up on the A1 heading southbound which was fine except from when I got towards Peterborough, there was a massive diversion because of the road works that they are doing. I took the diversion and followed that away from the A1 and then back onto the A1 a bit further down. I got home and chatted to Chris later realising that I should have called Kewey to let her know that I was home.
All in all it was a good day but I wish I could have spent more time with Kewey.