So on Saturday as part of my 101 Things and just because I would like to go to an event, I went to London for the Girl Geek Day in Regent Street. Having been at Zoza’s sisters thing I was already tired lol. I hadn’t slept that well and kinda missed my own bed!
I got up and got myself sorted. Me and the girlies flopped out on the sofa for about 15 minutes and just hung out. Zoza then walked me to the train station while she went to the store to get some bits for breakfast.
I hopped on the first train back into the centre and got very excited. At Charing X I got a little confused as to which way I needed to walk – London is so very confusing sometimes. (As my Dad says when you’re on the tube it seems like everything is either too close together or to far apart – especially when you then try to walk it overground).
Anyhoo I managed to get to the Apple Store. I really needed a drink – it was just past 10 and the temperature was already soaring. I had a look round and I couldn’t see a Starbucks or Costa or similar brand. I was about to try and use my phone then realised – I have a whole store of internet reliable mac-enabled ness behind me – why don’t I use their connect rather than my not so good BB connection?
I headed into the store and got playing on an iPad, and admittedly the whole getting a drink went to the back of my mind! I was a little unsure where we were supposed to be meeting to I went and hovered upstairs where it was a little less busy.
I saw a guy walk past in a Girl Geek shirt and so figured that I was in just about the right place. I sat down in the “lecture theatre” area at the back upstairs and waited for some more people to arrive.
At about 11am it all kicked off. We started with a presentation from Jess Greenwood (of Contagious Magazine) and Vikki Chowney (of Reputation Online) about Digital Cows and the Post Digital Age (if you want an explanation let me know lol)
After the presentation we headed off on our adventure, at first we had to go to Swarovski Crystallized in Great Marlborough Street – their upstairs area was working as our base camp for the day – you could go back and charge your phone and leave your bits there if you needed to.
I headed back out to the street and decided to get started.
I was stood on the pavement trying to work out where I was in relation to the other shops. As I’m stood there a lovely lady comes and started chatting to me and sort of adopted me – for the rest of the day lol. Lovely Lady does have a name – she’s called Fox. (I’m not sure if it’s a nickname or if she is actually called Fox – but it’s all good -she’s fab and she looked out for me)
We headed to The Organic Pharmacy (which was next door lol). Our freebie here was a hand massage and a bar of chocolate – because it was next door lots of people headed in there first so there was a bit of a queue.
Following that we went to Anthropologie in Regent Street. I wanted to write loads about my day but it’s now a week later and I just haven’t had chance. Instead we are going to have a bullet point summary and I’ll be back with more detail as it comes back to me lol.
Godiva – posh yummy chocolates lol. Me and Fox both had a moment in this store – they had chocolates like Roses chocolates – they were £45 per kilo! At a rough quess thats 8 times more than a kilo of Roses chocolates lol. We were given a chocolate covered strawberry and two of the chocolates from the counter – I got a fruit pastille thingy and a chocolate (I took them both home and shared them with my Mum)
Tibits – Next up we headed here for lunch. I was beginning to get a headache which was a real shame. I grabbed my drink and downed some painkillers I was determined not to have to go home early because I was ill. I drunk down as much of my diet cola as I could manage. So we had lunch, Tibits is a vegetarian restaurant ( tucked away just off the main thoroughfare along Regent Street. I had alot of pasta and couscous as it seemed to be the think that I liked lots. I also tried Butter Beans (yup thats another added to my 101 things!)
Hawes and Curtis – I love this shop! Technically it only sells shirts – which isn’t very exciting but you imagine a pattern and chances they have it in some variation! Me and Fox spend quite a while in here chatting to one of the assistants and looking at the shirts. (We actually ended up going back so that Fox could buy a couple of shirts and if I had had some money I was going to buy a shirt – then again it’s not like I meet people – I spent 90% of my day behind a computer answering a phone)
Next we headed off to Bose where the was a presentation about surrond sound and how home cinemas should be easy to set up – it was good fun and informative but I felt a little out of my depth lol. (£200+ for a set of headphones – I get through headphones like no ones business – at £200 I would hope that they would last a few years!)
Following that we went to see a Pirate about a puzzle. Outside Hamleys there was a guy dressed as a pirate playing a paper guitar – my favourite shirt started a conversation as it was about Rock and Roll.
Next up was the National Geographic store – I think both me and Fox had ideas of what it might be like and then it was very different. We had fun chatting with some of the shop people then we headed back upstairs to grab a cocktail. I wasn’t really sure what I fancied (I don’t tend to drink cocktails and if I do they are homemade non-alcoholic ones).
I just decided to pick one at random – I choose a Cosmopolitan – Fox had asked for the same – it had a certain kick to it then again it did have a fair share of alcohol in it.
I have so much more to say about the day but I need to leave it there for now and come back to it a bit later.
Day: 90 Goals to go: 79 (including in progress) How many started: 13 Also must find out where the 101 thing disappeared to lol.

That sounds like fun! I love the whole 101 things idea!
Also, I tagged you in a post!
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