Day Six
This week is bittersweet – I think that is the phrase.
Two years ago this week my Grandma passed away. This week my Dad and my Grandad went up to spread her ashes.
This week last year we moved into our own house. OUR VERY OWN rather than renting from someone else.
This year we’re hosting a fireworks and pizza party for some friends from church. Sorry this is a short but sweet post – I spend most of the afternoon working on a post for this week and intro to that post. Now need to go and try and get some words down for NaNoWriMo – so far behind!
NaNoWriMo Stats
(Before working on this afternoon)
NaNoWriMo Words done: 5965
NaNoWriMo Words to go: 44035
Days to go: 24

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