Sometimes, I like to read posts on blogs, then visit the blog of the first person who commented to see what other bloggy treasure I can find. Today I figured I’d share what I found. These are various blogs that I found this afternoon and here are some I really liked:
1. I Read Banned Books by CajunVegan. This isn’t a new one but I love it! Her post yesterday started with Ten Things you wish you could say to TEN different people right now. Number 5 was “Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire” – I actually shouted this at CJ yesterday as he made some comment and he was lying – it made as both laugh quite hysterically! (Does have strong language so here’s a little warning!)
2. Three Ring “Surf”ace by Topsurf. On Thursday’s post there are a couple of videos by a singer called Esmee Denters. This girl is an awesome singer! My favourite so far is the cover of Unwritten by Natasha Bedingfield.
3. (I’m back now!) Kellypuffs is one of my favourite blogs! I just love it! She blogged about Haydee’s Chocolate Journal and the Dangerous Chocolate Cake-in-a-Mug. It sounds very nice from the recipe but I’m not sure if I’d ever be able to make it lol.
4.Popping Bubbles is another one that I really like. I can’t put my finger on what it is I like about it I just like it LOTS! Today she posted about a giftaway being hosted by her and the following blogs:
Confessions of a Middle Aged Surburban Diva
Random Ramblings of a Stay At Home Mom
I am going to read as many as I can of the above ones before bedtime!!!!
I am also going to see if Strictly Come Dancing results show has been posted on BBC iPlayer yet.

I appreciate the linkage and pimpage. I will be back to your blog as well.
Thanks for the shout out and the link love! Cajun Vegan is one of my best friends in RL and the other participants in our contest are all near and dear to my heart as well!
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