In the summer of 2013, our BIG adventure as a family was to Blackpool and the surrounding area. Here’s the story of our travels…

Friday was always set to be completely crazy, even at the beginning of the week I knew I was going to need to be super organised by the end of the week to make sure I did everything I needed to before the end of the week arrived. I packed my clothes before bed on Thursday, I had the washing machine and dryer running to make sure we were almost up to date on the laundry. I made sure that everything was ready and I just had to come home between work and Holiday Club to wash up my lunch box. I finished work at 5 as normal. Then went to Holiday Club, which wasn’t sane either as it was the last night so the parents came to see what we had been up to. Following that we jumped in the car and dashed to a friend’s leaving do. Apparently, he arrived home to the surprise and when everyone shouted “Surprise” he panicked and ran off up the street – it would have been good to be a fly on the wall for that! When we arrived after 9pm we walked through the door and Our Sidekick and I got a massive bear hug from our friend. During the party, we all gathered in the living room to pray and speak words of encouragement over our friend. He also said that it was the first time someone had organised a surprise party for him and he was super grateful.
We had to leave the party early to head off on holiday. We popped home to do some last minute bits that couldn’t be done earlier. Then we jumped into the car and headed northwards and onto holiday. We arrived at the hotel just after 3am. Funnily enough, the chap on reception looked wide awake! We hit the bed and next thing I knew it was 9:30 – why couldn’t my body make me sleep just a little longer?!?!
I sat and read/played on my phone until the boys woke up. After we’d pulled ourselves together and had some breakfast we popped over to the service station to see what restaurants there were and how expensive they would be. After that, we headed to Wigan for an explore around the town. In one of the main shopping areas, there was a big stage with a band playing. When we arrived there the band was playing some crazy heavy metal tunes, when we walked through a bit later the band were playing “The Rock Show” by Blink182. I don’t think the boys appreciated me singing it for most of the rest of the afternoon. We popped to M&S and I had my first excellent customer service experience of the day.
After exploring for a bit we headed back to the hotel – after the nuts week I had my body caught up and I was exhausted even from the little explore we did. We all chilled out at the hotel for a bit and then in the evening we went to a local carvery called The Bowling Green Inn which is in one of the villages near where we are staying. While we were there we had our second excellent customer service experience.
We headed home and we watched Mission Impossible and Knight and Day as they were both on television last night (actually there were quite a few films on last night actually, Harry Potter and the Order of The Phoenix was on one of the other channels about the same time. Following the movies we all headed to bed ready for the next day of adventuring.