
From Chris I got a kit to make some more cards – I think it’s like a 12-card set or something like that but I can use the stamps and the pens and things like that after so i think it’s more than that!

From my parents, I got some DVDs (Bright Star, Dear John and The Blind Side), I also got House Season Six. (It’s become a bit of a trend for my Mum to get me the next Season for Christmas). They also got me Paper Towns by John Green and No One Cares What You Had for Lunch: 100 Ideas for Your Blog by Margaret Mason.

From Chris’s auntie I was given this pin cushion for Christmas. It’s so cute! The mouse is made from pipe cleaners and there is some really intricate details on it. I love the shoe laces on the Mouse’s DM’s and the flowers on it’s apron lol.

Christmas Pin Cushion

Anyhoo off to write thank you letters and pen pal letters now. Have a great day.

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