Ring – Tuesday 8th July
Originally uploaded by godsrockangel
Kinda a obvious one but I do have reason and heres the science part lol
On the 13th March 2005 me and my OH got together. 6 months to the day we got engaged. 20 months after that (minus a day the 13th was a Sunday so the 12th) we got married and next week we will have been married 14 months, which in total since the first day we got together is 40 months thats 3 years! scary!

Congrats! Today is our 3 yr. wedding anniversary (total of 5yrs. together). It seems like we’ve been together forever and not long at all at the same time.
Nice paint job!! Congrats!
You crack me up! Congrats! Nice nail color!
Congrats, lovely ring, and lovely nails too!
Great shot and congrats!! It’ll be 10 years for hubby and I later this year, which just sounds absolutely crazy.
Congratulations! Sounds like a whirlwind romance.
I wouldn’t really say whirlwind – we’ve been friends since I was in year 10 at school which was about 8 years total and 5 before we got together.
Congratulations 🙂 A great ring shot. I came to all this late in life, didn’t meet my hubby, (no 2) until I was in my 30’s. I have fingers that swell so don’t wear any rings and my daughter now has her eye on mine 😀
Love your nails 🙂
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