So at the end of May my brother placed an order for his new computer. I offered to buy his old one of him as my Laptop was going into meltdown – it wasn’t well.
Well his computer is passing out on me – it wont load properly when it does load up it doesn’t recgonise drivers for things like the USB adaptor. So I am kinda a little cheesed – I guess it’s ok because I can blog from my iPhone or steal Chris’s laptop in exchange for cups of tea. I worked out that I am £170 short of getting the lower spec of the two white MacBook’s that are on the Apple UK Website (I could also try bribing Chris to see if he can use his student discount – that would reduce the gap a bit lol)
Anyway to this is the item I am drooling over and saving up for hopefully. Just have to try reinstalling Windows once more and seeing if it is well and truely going to be seperated for bits or will be adopted elsewhere.

I would love the apple! But I just cannot justify buying it right now as my laptop is only a year old. Also LOL I cannot afford it!
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