I got sidetracked and wasn’t able to do the idea that I thought of for Row so I might have to do it again another day. So this is row – I spent most of the day surronded by a small rainforest of paper lol. I try and organise into piles but it still spreads – here we have completed orders on the right, people to call again in the middle and awaiting orders on the left.
Next we have Red, I purchased a painting by Dawn the painting is one of her illustrations and the character is called Leia. I have one of her business cards stuck to the frame of my computer at work to brighten up my desk a little bit (it looks so boring!) So red is the background colour and the colour of the characters shirt. One day I hope to have my own Moo Cards with my photos on them so that I can direct people back to my blog which will have a gallery of my photos. What I didn’t realise until I posted to Flickr was that the mouse was over the link to HerSpace-MySpace – so it’s in the picture. (I am very excited my Mum has gone to buy my MacBook this afternoon!!!!!!Yay!!!!)

Loving your row and your red! Having a real go with my allergies right now so I am trying type and sneeze.
Your soda can is sooooo small! Cute!
Fun picture – good shot
Great fun and so glad you are getting your Mac!
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