Today I’m also joining with Debs and Amy for Slimming World Sunday. (I discovered earlier this week that SWS was stopped but seeing as it was their idea originally I’m going to leave the links on the posts)
This week
As we had all the craziness with Holiday Club this week, I often ended up eating late and so having snacks which wasn’t always that great. We weighed in on Tuesday because of Holiday Club clashing with our normal SW slot. I had maintained which was good, not great but it was better than it could have been (especially as I had had birthday cake the night before!). Most evening meals consisted of SW ready meals from Iceland so that even if the middle of my day had been a disaster, my breakfast and my dinner were on plan. By Thursday I had given up with eating when I got home and tried to have something before I went out.
I really have found that I need to get back onto plan and keep a diary (and mean it!). It’s not exactly an excuse but I’ve been struggling to know what to make for us all, Jaxon is now getting more into eating proper food so where possible I’m trying to feed him that sort of thing. I did think ahead one day in the last fortnight and cooked his lunch the night before so that he could then just have it cold the following lunchtime but other than that I’ve been struggling to know what to feed him and then struggling also to know what to feed me,
In theory it’s not complicated – aim for something syn free and have lots of veggies and other super free choices. I did wonder about doing SP for a couple of days but I need to think about it properly and plan rather than wing. I wrote a food plan for us all but it’s not SW friendly in some places, I do have plain chicken breast in the freezer so when I do something for the boys that has syns (like a Garlic Kiev) I can chuck on the chicken breast.
I think I’ll stand in front of the freezer/fridge tomorrow and write a proper detailed me plan so that I know what to eat and stick in plan (If I’m going for a coffee date with you, please pummel me into submission when I reach for the cake!!)
It’s August and I’m joining a few of my blogger friends to blog every day this month, at least around here you’ll be able to find all my posts under BEDIA. Be sure to check out their blogs too.
Ashley | Beth | Brittney | Hannah | Karen | Michelle | Shelby