It’s Tuesday now – by the end of the week I will be well and truly lost and not remember which day it is lol.
So today started around 5am when it started absolutely pummeling down with rain!!! I was really worried that we might get flooded – (btw I have paid 60p for half an hour in the internet cafe on site – I am typing like a mad nut to get some words on the page before I run out of time in 7 Minutes)
Yeah so it started raining – I wiggled around and checked that all my stuff was away from the walls of the tent – I really didn’t want wet clothes. Mr J is in a seperate tent from me and his tent leaked!!!!! He woke up in a puddle 🙁 (Oops I just moved my foot and kicked the girl next to me!!)
We headed for the nearest camping store to look for a tent but we couldn’t find a camping shop so we ended up at “Our Goose” – as nicknamed by Mr J (Ar-gos to rest of the world! or at least the UK!)
The shop that we thought might do camping bits actually didn’t do very much more than seeds, random gift bags and bits like that (eek 4 minutes left!!!!!)
I am typing this at high speed as my phone is on charge at the moment and I need to save the battery lol.
We got back to site and put up his tent and took down the old tent. His new tent is a funny shape it’s like a dome tent but on one side it’s like stretched.
After lunch we went for a walk down to the cafe called “Cafe Uno”. I had a can of diet cola and Mr J and Mrs Mow Mow had a hot chocolate with squirty cream on top.
We stayed there for a while and listeneed to the Band Stand (Open Mic Hour). I said that I could do it but I dont have my guitar with me or any music. Mr J said that I could probably borrow Robster’s guitar and go on the internet at the Internet cafe to get some music. So I went and chatted to two guys about the open mic and signed up. The guy said I should be able to borrow a guitar if I needed one. Just as I spoke to the first guy the second thunderstorm broke so we were stranded in the Cafe.
When the rain slowed up I headed for the cafe and started the post and looking for the chords to four songs. So my play list tomorrow is Don’t Look Back In Anger, Other Side of The World, Hotel California and Anyone Else but you (the sweetafton23 version from YouTube (I will put in links when I am back on the proper Internet)
I’m going to go now ttfn
I got back to the tents and the ground is proper water

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