Today’s word is Spanish. It inspired me to Paella.
When I went to Spain in July 2003 on the school music tour I decided that I would try proper paella rather than the re-hydrated stuff from the supermarket but when I tried it, I really didn’t like it. It all tasted of fish! EUGH! lol
The tour was really good we stayed just outside Barcelona and visited Tarragona as well. I went swimming in the Meditteranean but it was kinda cold and because I’m quite short and the people I was hanging around with I ended up in it right up to my neck and at one point a wave went over my head!
We were messing around and one of the guys picked me up and dropped me in the water – it would have been okay if I hadn’t swallowed half the Mediterranean Sea!
When I was in Turkey in 2005 I went swimming in the other side of the Mediterranean now i just need to visit North Africa then I will have done 3 sides!

Great spanish shot!
¡Amo este tiro!
Great minds think alike! I have an instruction book.
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