Some weeks I want to share what I’ve been up to but it doesn’t really extend to a post by itself so this week I’m trying something new. It’s a bit like my bullet point bit in the Monthly Reviews. So here is The Week Just Gone…
- We arrived back from Copenhagen and I started to write about that (Day One is here). This was more the week before but it still happened this week too! You can read the whole adventure here.
- Found some news blogs to read like A Silly Place and Bursts of Autumn. I found these both via We Wonderful Bloggers on Twitter.
- I have been using Kindle Unlimited to read on my iPhone/iPad some more. In August, I have read 7 books so far and I’m on Number 8 (Well I guess technically that’s Number 1 of September – you can follow on GoodReads here). I generally stick to chick lit as I can pick it up and pout it down and put it down quite easily. The ones I’ve read are: Christmas at the Little Waffle Shack (Heritage Cove, Book 2) by Helen J. Rolfe, Summer Serendipity at the Twist and Turn Bakery (Heritage Cover, Book 3) by Helen J Rolfe, Christmas Lights and Snowball Fights (Little Bamton, Book 1) by Beth Rain, Spring Flowers and April Showers (Little Bamton, Book 2) by Beth Rain, Summer Nights and Pillow Fights (Little Bamton, Book 3) by Beth Rain, The Books and Bakes Shop by Elaine Walsh. The one I’m currenty on is The Cornish Midwie by Jo Bartlett.
- I’ve got a couple of knitting projects on the go so I’ve been working on them. This includes a Corner to Corner blanket, that I’m almost finished – I tied in the last colour last nightt. I was asked about it last week when I was knitting on the video call for our weekly Music Quiz – so I might need to try and finish it so I can show off the finish article (if anyone is actually bothered about it lol)
- Mum told me that Homestead Rescue was back so I pretty much binged watched them this week to catch up. The problem with that is I get ideas like “Can I grow X in the garden and when do I need to plant it?”, “Can I install a new water butt by myself to catch rain water to water the plants instead of tap water?”. Homestead Rescue: Raney Ranch is also available of Discovery+ so might need to see if they do a free trial so I can catch up with them too.
- Ahead of our adventure I’m trying to downsize and sort things out. It’s a little astouding how much you gain when you’ve lived in the same house for a decade! This started with a box of books to the local community “little” library. I discovered it on Facebook. I may have adopted 2 books while I was there but I had dropped off around 15 so it balances out right? I also dropped one off to a friend. We’d discussed it ages ago and because of one thing and another it ended up back on my bookcase so I got that dropped off in the week.
- It was Loti of Mama Makes birthday this weekend so Rex and I went to her birthday party. It was the longest I’d driven (rather than being a passenger) for a while so that was interesting – thankfully the roads were reasonably clear so I didn’t have to sit in traffic and it was dry so didn’t have to content with driving through rain.
- I discovered a new podcast called Think About Eurovision. Could be a new favourite (well Top 3 maybe?). I ended up starting almost near the beginning where the presenters are discussing Eurovision Song Contest: The Story of Fire Saga and the inconsistencies between the film and the actual thing – there were a few moments were I was talking back to my laptop lol. (The episode was released in 2020).
- Also The Raise Podcast’s latest episode came out, the Raise word for this episode is Activate and the chat was with Bryn Llewellyn from Tagtiv8