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The prompt for this week is

So here we go……
One day I’ll travel, from here to there and there and there. I’ll go from North to South and East to West. Well at least in mind I will. I have a list of places to go but the list gets longer and never seems to get shorter. New York, not just the city but the state, and then to the West Coast maybe via the Grand Canyon to see if it’s really that impressive. Then again someone told me Niagara was amazing, then someone else told me it didn’t live up to the hype. It would be a shame….

It’s easy to get carried away with lists! But if this is really your own list – I’ve been to the Grand Canyon and Niagara Falls, and they are two of the world’s great sights. If you get the opportunity, don’t pass it up.
My list of places to visit is growing. Until I was about 16/17 I’d only been on holiday within the UK then I went to France and Spain before leaving the 6th Form. In 2005 I went to Turkey which is now the furthest I’ve been from home.
My favourite was either Turkey because of all the biblical/ancient history there it Amsterdam because of all the culture.
One day hopefully I’ll make it to the USA but there is so much to see I don’t know where to start!
Yes – Turkey – Ephesus (what’s left of it) is amazing! I haven’t been to Amsterdam, but I know people who’ve been there and love it, and I hope to see it some day. So much world, so little time!
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