So minus the inability I seem to have of getting up when I am supposed today has been a good day.
Chris went to see Tom yesterday in Ipswich, He’s been having a really pants time and needed to see a friendly face so Chris dropped everything (ok the height of our exciting day was going to be a walk to the charity shop with a bag of his old clothes but it was dropped anyway). Chris spent ages trying to justify why he was dropping our plans and why he had to go and it had be yesterday and no other day. I told him to shut up and that I understood if Kewey was having trouble like Tom has just had I would have dropped everything and been in the car or the next train to Mansfield without fail. (Even My Mum agreed when I told her).
I went into town in the morning with my Mum to try and get her a new phone. It took about an hour and a half – she thought she knew which one she wanted but then it went all bottoms up when they said the one she wanted was going to cost her nearly £300!!! Yeh I know alot for a phone! Anyway so she changed her mind decided she was getting the same as me, she was then told she’d have to come back when the next delivery came in on Monday or Wednesday. (I suggested why didn’t she just have my phone and then get a different one – ok we have done it in the past when she just started using a mobile (she got my one, I got a new phone – she didn’t go for it anyway and so is waiting for a new phone).
Anyway so me and Mum went via my house to get my laptop and then into Simply Food for lunch (I love it the same niceness as the normal store but just outside of town with free parking it’s great!). We got posh fish cakes for tea which were very nice but I don’t think I would have them again.
So I hung out at my parents – I didn’t fancy being alone all day and most of the evening. I did some admin for Mum which meant I got to sit in front of the TV with my Dad lol.
This morning I led worship which was good but I was so nervous – I had a bit of a bad start to the day as Chris hadn’t reset the time on the alarm and so it went off at 9:30am I was supposed to be in the church at 9:15am – thank goodness for living next door to the church.
Me and Chris went out for lunch after church which was lovely. It was a little bit busy but it was good all the same.
Then at 4pm I had a band practice for the Baptism where Two of my Girlies got baptised! Yay!
Bex and Ruby are in my cell group and I love them to bits! They both got baptised today and I had the responsibility of singing in the worship band in the service. I need to go now because it’s 11:30 and it would be good to have some sleep lol