Veg Out: Friday 1

Veg Out with Elycia

So on Friday I did my thing and I gave up meat for the day. I thought it would be really hard but actually it was really easy lol.

Why is it when you give something up it’s either the only thing you can think about or the only thing you’d like to eat lol. I sat at my desk and really fancied a bacon sandwich, I even held my breathe as I walked past the canteen just in case I got a whiff of it lol.

Two weeks ago I spoke to the Vicar who covers Renhold village (my parents go to the Chapel in the village and the Vicar works at the other) we were talked about how long she’d been a vegetarian and what made her give up meat. She told me how most of the people she knows who were vegetarians who are no longer often give up because of the smell of a bacon sandwich.

I went to get lunch and luckily the vegetarian option was Quorn Meat Balls which was lovely! I had pasta with it and polished off nearly all of it – there was a bit too much tomato sauce for the pasta and the “meat” balls thats I had but it was all good. (I even took a picture!)

Tea consisted of Pizza from the takeaway was I was home alone for the evening. I tucked into my Cheese and Tomato pizza and watched all sorts of TV.

I got Chris to join in as well, it depends on whether or not you include fish as to whether he succeeded or not. He’d forgotten about the challenge and ended up having fish and chips for lunch.

Bring on next Friday!!!


  1. trisha says:

    i still have to restraign myself anytime i smell grilled chicken *lol* that’s my bacon, so to say 😀

    i think it’s totally awesome what you’re doing. and yay for trying out a veggie alternative. it looks very yummy!

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