All About Lily Chou Chou

All About Lily Chou Chou

As part of 101 Things in 1001 Days I decided that I would watch more foreign language films.

So here is the first. I found it while I was in town yesterday.

IMDB write the synopsis as:

Life isn’t easy for a group of high school kids growing up absurd in Japan’s pervasive pop/cyber culture. As they negotiate teen badlands- school bullies, parents from another planet, lurid snapshots of sex and death- these everyday rebels without a cause seek sanctuary, even salvation, through pop star savior Lily Chou-Chou, embracing her sad, dreamy songs and sharing their fears and secrets in Lilyholic chat rooms. Immersed in the speed of everyday troubles, their lives inevitably climax in a fatal collision between real and virtual identities, a final logging-off from innocence.

Looks good so far its all in Japanese with subtitles.

Update: I’ve got about an hour into it then realised I still had like an hour to go!!!!! It seems to take a long time to get anywhere and sometimes the camera work is a bit shaking as you’re supposed to believe it’s by a hand camera. In the end I gave up with it! Too random for my cup of tea that’s for sure!