Currently…14th July


Currently… image from rukristin

Baby!! He does funny things like twitching in his sleep and clapping his hands together. Watching his little face as he dreams.

Notes and notes and notes from the midwifes and other professionals. Also started reading the New Testament from the beginning when feeding. Got most of Matthew Chapter 1 done yesterday.

To the cute noises that Jaxon makes while he sleeps. Listening to his breathing too.

Erm, not a lot lol. I moved my bag upstairs but haven’t touched my crochet since Wednesday. I’ve starting writing thank you letters, I guess that’s making something. Also have been taking heaps of photos.

Tired but so happy. Had a meltdown on Saturday but all in all I’m positive. I spoke to the breastfeeding helpline yesterday and they gave me some good tips that seem to be working.

Not a lot – it tends to be what we’re doing that day or the next day. Lots of friends want to meet Jaxon. The in laws came on Friday. The Fairies came on Saturday before dashing off to dance class. V, Bex and Bex’s little boy popped in on their way past. The in laws and my Grandparents came by yesterday. There’s a few people who are possibly coming by in the week to visit us but we’ll play that day by day depending on how things are going.

The snuggles I get with Jaxon. The way he holds his hands when I breastfeed (or attempt to!). The way that Chris scoops him up and cares for him. He pulls faces and makes funny noises when Jaxon starts to get grumpy. I just can’t wait until Jaxon can respond and laugh back at Daddy’s silly antics! (Not that I’m wishing the time away – clearly I want to enjoy each stage as it comes.


    • Hannah says:

      Hi Marielle. Thank you for the comment, am trying to cherish the small things because they’ll be gone down the road.

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