Day 56: Fill In The Blanks

Fill In The Blanks 25th Feb

Prompts from Little Things We Do

1.   I am currently obsessed with knitting – I swear it’s taking over my life!
2.  Today I am    tired     because this week in my house has been a bad one for sleep. Friday night I was up super later for the Fountain Gaming Marathon at church, then when I have been able to sleep it’s been hard getting up (yesterday I overslept and was late for work), then last night I couldn’t sleep, I couldn’t get comfy and then when I did it started getting uncomfy almost straight away.
3.  The age I am is    24     and the age I feel is at the moment about 100 lol. Then again on Sunday I was playing with my friend’s 2yo and I ended up standing in the corner for like 10 minutes because apparently I’d been naughty lol.
4.  My favorite place is at the moment my bed lol. But my normal answer would be anywhere I’m with friends or family and we’re doing something fun.
5.  Something I have been procrastinating is tiding our bedroom – I tend to go for a couple of weeks where I just don’t tidy and then the mess spreads again.
6.  The last thing I purchased was sausage sandwich for breakfast.
7.  The thing I love most about my home is the people I share it with. Me and Chris live with the Kiwi and we have crazy times together.
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