Drop a Love Bomb (Oct 14th)

Love Bomb

Cancer is one of those rubbish illnesses that affects lots of people. Not just the person suffering from it but their families too.

A friend of mine was diagnosed with breast cancer a while back and she is now in remission – she ran a 10K race two weeks ago (or was it 3 I’m not sure now!) to race money for Sue Ryder Care which is a charity near where we live that supports people with cancer.

I saw Lauren’s email appear in my inbox and this one struck home and I felt that I had to repost it so you out there would see it too. Please take the time to go and comment on Nanette’s Blog. Thank you 🙂

Hi everyone!

Some of you reading this email are on the Love Bomb team, and some are part of ItStartsWithUs, and some are part of both! This week, Love Bomb is doing a joint mission with ItStartsWithUs. It’s so great to have all of you.

Today’s mission is for a woman named Nanette. She was suggested to us by Lori, one of our Love Bomb members.


She has absolutely amazed me with her optimism, joy, and overwhelming hope for her future. I don’t know how she does it.

She has been dealing with losing her hair through chemo, and has been very sick – making work difficult for her. I admire Nanette for keeping her head up so high despite the physical pain, adjusting to losing her hair, the stress from work – all while taking such good care of two kids on her own.

This week has been rough for her, and she needs encouragement. I am so excited for all of us to be her cheerleaders! If you’ve been reading the articles published about Love Bomb lately, we have been referred to as a compassion flash-mob. I LOVE it.
Let’s share our love, support, and encouragement with Nanette!

Please join me in commenting on Nanette’s blog here.

Time to drop a Love Bomb, guys!

I am loving the comments but they need to go on Nanette’s Blog not here on mine.

This entry was posted in Uncategorised.


  1. Pingback: Tweets that mention Drop a Love Bomb (Oct 14th) | My Corner of The Internet -- Topsy.com
  2. Lynne says:

    Hello Nanette,
    Your courage and faith are inspirational – I will keep you in my prayers for a complete healing.
    Look after yourself

    • Hannie says:

      Hi Lynne

      I’m grateful for the comment but you need to go put it on Nanette’s Blog – the address is in the blog post above. Thank you


  3. lori says:

    hello nan,
    I hope this message gets to you, as I read you blog I want you to know you are not alone and its ok to cry and let it out.A big cry helps!!! If I could Id send you a great big hug and let you know it will all be ok. Just take it one day at a time. Be kind to yourself and know you are surrounded by support and prayers. Your story helps and inspires. Find hope and strenght in that. We all have tender weak moments in life were we feel so fragile and alone. Its ok!!!BIG HUG and PRAYERS are sent out to you!You are so brave, and strong- you inspire me to so much. Thank you for that!

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