Today was always going to be a pretty busy day. I’d planned to be all organised and get some clothes thrown into bin bags to take to the charity shop (then again Mummy Steph is encouraging a swishing party so I might be saving them for that instead!)
It started with a trip to town – now I am not a fan of town on a Saturday at the best of times so I told Our Sidekick and CJ that we were going to get up and go – we’d be in town at 9 or just after. We made it into town about 9ish and started on our mission – we had some bits to get and Our Sidekick had a list of shops we were going to look at.
Well it took about 2.5 hours and I was getting bored so I started playing with my phone and with high heeled shoes that I’d never buy because I wouldn’t end up breaking an ankle or face planting the floor – then again I’d probably do both!
I’d also planned that I’d get a funky thrifted/charity shop dress for the party this evening but it was a bit of a challenge. I found a really cute dress in the Salvation Army charity shop but it was a size 8 – never going to fit my 14/16 body in that!
I tried on a nice gothic esque skirt in All Ears but it was nearly £30 even in the sale *sad face* (however the shop was warm and smelling amazing again so that was cool and the staff are super friendly in there). I even nipped across the road to Rose Tinted Vintage in Clair Court. I discovered that clearly I like the idea of wearing vintage clothes but don’t know how to make it work for me in practice. I found a nice dress but it was something my Great Grandma might have warn and clearly I was on the wrong track or something. I think I need a lesson in how to dress vintage and not look like your Great Granny.
In the end I decided on the black dress I’d got for December Wedding and add some fab accessories.
Following our trip to town we grabbed lunch and hung out watching Ice Age 3. How cute is Peaches at the end! I headed off for a bath ready to get sorted. Well that was the idea. I was on the bed reading and next thing I knew it was almost 3:30. I’m pretty sure that I slept around 45 minutes.
I got all dressed up and ready and we headed out. I wanted to write some more about the party but I need to sleep so I will write some more tomorrow.
EDIT: So it got to the point yesterday where I needed to go to bed rather than carrying on blogging.
Having looked for a new dress in town, I ended up wearing my black dress that I’d bought for December Wedding. While I was in town I’d got a headband that was made of white beads (they kinda look like pearls – or at least that style of bead) and had a flower.
We left the house at about 6:45 – in the past when we’ve had parties at church, CJ had often been organising music or lights or something like that and so we’ve been there for hours before and ended up staying after to help clear up – well with it being “our thank you party” we were told in no uncertain terms that we weren’t allowed to be there early and weren’t allowed to help clear up.We got to church and there were like no spaces – you would have thought someone could have coned off a space for the guests of honour lol.
As we parked my parents were walking down the road to the church building. Our Sidekick was finishing up a call with his Mum so we stopped and had a chat outside the building – I kind of didn’t want to go into church without CJ because I wanted to see his reaction to all the decoration and things that had been done for us. It took a little while and CJ ended up standing in the church foyer still finishing the call with Our Sidekick’s Mum.
Anyway, once that was all dealt with we could get down to the important business of the party. So many people from church had come together to sort it out for us. The Murf and our Connect Group organised the quiz and the hall decorations. Our friend Rikki had been lent CJ’s lights and so he’d set all those up so we had pink and orange lights. On the tables there were silver stars, and depending on which table you were on there were either pink or orange gerberas (orange is CJ’s favourite colour and I think the pink was for me).
The whole party was amazing and I struggled to take it all in (as much as I tried to). I also struggled to speak to all the people who were there for us.

You’d be of about average height in those shoes!
We loved Ice Age 3 too, in fact the whole series. The squirrels chasing the nut crack me up every time. And we definitely want a baby mammoth to keep in the garden.
I’m 5 ft 2 without heels – with those I’d be on about 5ft 5 I think! I love the squirrels but I do prefer IC3 now that they are part of the main story rather than a short before/after the main feature – I think it adds something to it having it like that. How big would a baby wooly mammoth be? Clearly a cartoon one rather than a real one lol.
Hi! another great post. We were in Bedford briefly yesterday and we picked up a vintage, skinny fit lady’s Ben Sherman in the Charity Shop just past £land (Save the Children I think it is) all for just £3.45! Couldn’t believe it, just a shame it won’t go over my partner’s baby bump! Then we had to go and order steel security doors for my uncle’s home office.
It’s always worth looking in the charity shops for maternity wear – or even just larger sizes in ladies clothes (for tops) one of my t-shirts that I got at a swishing party a few years ago was a maternity t-shirt but I tried it on and it fitted great (yeah I’m an awkward body shape lol)
I think with vintage it’s a case of trial and error. Try starting with something thats similar to what you will wear anyway and wear with things you already love. Happy to help if you ever need it!
Love the bear hat!
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