Joining up with Lauren at The Little Things We Do for today’s post.
As Lauren is getting used to being a new mummy, today’s blanks were supplied by Meg of Mr. C & Me.

1. If money wasn’t an issue, the first thing I’d cross of my life list is take the time off work to travel to Australia and New Zealand so that I can catch up with friends like Loz and Sheens and meet friends like Ruby and Branden from Sew, Cook, Create! for the first time in person. Also get to see all those places I’ve seen on the Internet and in films.
2. Ham, cheese and ketchup sandwiches is something I like that other people think is weird.
3. If my life were a movie right now, the title would be “The Blogger” yeah I know so not original then again it could be “The Deep Freeze” – its minus 3 Celsius (30ish Fahrenheit) tonight. It was like minus 6 last night at one point. (Our house is also really cold and I can’t work out if that’s just me, whether I didn’t warm up properly from earlier or if it is actually that cold in here.)
4. Three things I am looking forward to this month are catching up with my girlies from university, hosting the women’s breakfast at church (it’s my first time and I’m kinda bricking it so prayers would be appreciated!) and and celebrating my cousin’s 18th birthday.
5. My favorite song to sing in the shower is it really depends what I’m listening to at the time. So at the moment it’s Hallelujah I Love Her So or Crazy Arms by Hugh Laurie. (I am absolutely loving his album at the moment. In fact as I write this post it’s playing.)
6. If I found out that the production of Milky bar White Chocolate or Milky Way bars was ending this month, I’d go out and buy as much as I could tomorrow.
7. One thing I’ll never grow tired of is music. It’s always changing and being rewritten or tweaked. As long as there is live music I’ll be a happy chicken lol.