065: Dear Monday

Dear Monday
Dear Chris, so Friday was a day of epic ups and downs. Thankfully it ended on a good note with The Fountain getting keys to your new building (yay!) but you got stressed out by all the opinions you were given. I hope me standing in the middle of the building yesterday saying “Oh wow!” and having a little dance party all by myself made you feel a bit better.

Dear Gluten/Wheat, you’ve been out of my life almost completely since Friday Lunchtime. However yesterday there was a blip. I was hungry and so had wholemeal bread at Subway instead of Italian (in the hope that it had less Gluten) but unfortunately it gave me a tummy ache – somewhere between an “Ouch I’ve ate too much” and “Ouch something is wrong I’m a plonker!!” So I made sure today that I brought my own lunch with me to work. Today I had two bananas (one as like a midmorning snack when I start craving a sausage sandwich lol), a yoghurt, a jam sandwich (on wheat free bread – I need to find an alternative as wheat free bread is stupidly priced) and a bag of salt and vinegar crisps. This has also meant that I’ve been looking for Gluten Free versions of my favourite foods. I really fancied flapjack on Saturday but I couldn’t find any Free From ones in the shop I was in (then again it was a small village shop which makes sense).

Dear Second Mum, thanks for your advice about going gluten free. It’s scaring the pants off me some days but actually minus yesterday lunchtime I do feel better for it. Friday evening I felt more awake and more with it whereas normally I’d be groggy and grumpy by like 8pm.

Dear New Vacuum Cleaner, well that was interesting – I didn’t realise that vacuum cleaners now come in self-assembly kits. I didn’t have to mess with the electrics as that was all in the base bit but I did have to assemble the vacuum.

Dear Our Sidekick, yesterday you came home and told me that you were giving up chocolate for Lent. I warn you Chris will try to wind you up but you can do it! Don’t give up!!