Fill In The Blanks Friday Saturday
You can find the prompts at Lauren’s Blog: The Little Things We Do.
- The highlight of my week was a close drawer between Tuesday when The Fountain signed their lease for a building and yesterday when I got the call from Chris to tell me that they had the keys – making it all official!! Woohoo!! finding out that we closed on our new (old) house this week! .
- If I had to classify my interior design aesthetic it would be oh good question erm well it always used to be kinda vintage cottage ness but I think Chris is rubbing off on me as we’re trying to work towards a minimalist layout where possible,
- My first vehicle was a dark blue Ford Fiesta
- An item I need to have in my day in order to function is diet cola properly. Then again I’m working on cutting down (if not out completely).
- My favorite way to waste time is reading blogs and Pinterest – it can swallow whole weekends lol.
- Right now I could really go for a really big slice of warm gooey chocolate cake with vanilla ice cream.
- This weekend I will be going to a puppet workshop with my Mum and then looking after Our Sidekick while Chris takes the young people on a night hike.