Today was so lazy!! I hadn’t really made any plans other than to work my way through the chores – the problem with Chris being so busy getting The Fountain ready means that I’m working full time and trying to keep up with the chores – which given I’m rubbish keeping up with chores normally I’m even worse now!
Having stayed up to watch Sport Relief last night which by about midnight was getting boring – actually it might have been earlier than that but I’m not sure. I headed off to bed and woke up about 10am this morning.
This morning, I stayed in bed and watched all sorts of bits of TV – part of it was a bit I missed on Sport Relief last night, I also watched John Bishop’s Week of Hell documentary and Helen Skelton’s epic trip to the South Pole. I then decided it was time to get up!
I had some breakfast and pottered about working on chores and watching TV between loads of washing. Following lunch me and Our Sidekick went to hang outside in the garden and enjoy the sunshine. We took out my camera and decided to take pictures of each other while the other one bounced on the trampoline. I showed Our Sidekick the camera and what to do – this was the picture he took of me – without any guidance other than point and press this button. This was what came out the other end (so the original from my camera that is saved on the other computer is miles better but it’s too much effort to transfer it over!)

We played on the trampoline and messed about. We took a bunch of photos and then went inside to upload them to the computer – I’ve been adding pictures to the computer that we use for TV etc in the living room. We then headed back outside again. Our Sidekick taught me how to do a somersault but I wasn’t doing it quite right (and I think that and the heat has made my head hurt). He has the most amazing eye for a photograph. I really hope that one day he’ll consider studying it.