So this post is technically being written on the 10th April.
With all the craziness happening to get The Fountain ready for being opened on Easter Saturday – aka 7th April – blogging is one of the last priorities after things like eating, sleeping and working. Hopefully this week I’ll fall back on track.
So what has been happening while setting up.

I arrived at The Fountain on Wednesday and a combination of things meant that I really wasn’t in the mood to be civil or nice to people – which is really bad. I sat upstairs and had a little cry. While I was sat there these appeared on the sofa next to me. Our Sidekick had been and raided the stash of sweets/fruit that we’d created during the week. He was my life saver! The banana gave me an energy boost and the sweeties were just yummy!

The man from the coffee company was also there – I snapped this picture while Chris made practice coffees – this was his first one (well at least while I was there!).

Following the banana incident my Mum and me went shopping – we actually went for various other bits but I loved this teapot display! If I was a tea drinker (on a regular basis) then I’d have lots of different colour tea pots I think! Then again Chris would tell me off for creating even more clutter!

I took this picture Wednesday as well – lots of photo opportunities it seems! My Mum had commented about how this door needed to be put back on it’s hinges – somewhere in the conversation we ended up doing it ourselves! I made one phone call to my Grandad (who used to be a carpenter before he retired – then again he still is a carpenter just doesn’t “work”) about what size screw to use and then we got on with it. We’d managed to get it on it’s hinges but ended up taking a chunk out of each hinge bit as the door didn’t quite close properly. Dad gave it the once over but couldn’t quite sort it. He had an idea but we were all tired and I think we were going cross eyed by that point. We left it until Friday when Grandad popped round and checked the door (well our crafts”woman”ship) over to explain what the problem was – he also took out the lock bit and sorted it so it worked the right way up. To make that clear the people who used the building before had hung the door the right way up but the lock was the wrong way so you had to push up the handle to open it rather than down!)

I’m sure it’s always possible that I was supposed to be doing something else but I made my first coffee – before I actually try and to it for members of the public I need more practice – for now I think I will stick to the till and clearing tables.

I have so much love for teapots! They tempt me every time I thrift but I have to be good and think of all the display space I do not have. That picture of the display is great!
I love the idea of collecting teapots but we don’t really have the room and Chris doesn’t really like clutter! I have a collection of toy cars – they are all VW Beetles or VW Campervans – I love them both! Also have a small collection of VW memorabilia but it’s not a big collection lol.
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