100 Word Challenge: Week 11
“I’m sorry I know you wanted to hang out but I gotta look after my little sister, Mum got called into work” Eli said “You can still come over but we might have to play Barbies or something like that”
“That’s cool but you do realise you’ll be out numbered.” Lily replied
A bit later….
“So you be this one” Sophia handed Lily a well loved Barbie. “Eli, You have to be Ken because you’re a boy”.
“Is Lily your girlfriend like Barbie is Ken’s girlfriend?”
“Well erm” Eli looked up at Lily.
“I think the phrase is out of the mouths of babes…” Lily laughed
You can grab the prompt and join in here.

Enjoyed this one Hannah. You have a real talent for recounting the lives of teenagers.
Hey SJ thank you 🙂 (Catching up on replying to comments.)
Indeed! :o)
Thank you 🙂
Well observed piece of writing Hannah. Enjoyed reading it 🙂
Hey Anna! Thank you for your comment – I’m glad you enjoyed it 🙂
Fab. That awkwardness beautifully captured!
Hey Dughall thank you for you comment again 🙂
It was a long time ago, but I still remember the awfulness of being a teen. Beautifully captured.
I was a teen like 6 years ago and I’m pretty sure some of that awkwardness carries on into your teens lol.
lol loved it, so reminds me my teenage nephew who has twin sisters who are only 3. 🙂
Aww! There are a bunch of kids at church who are like that age and they come out with the funniest stuff. My friend’s son who’s now 10 when I first went away with the church to a bible week I was stood outside my tent and he (he was like 5 or 6 at the time) turned to me and said “You’ve got a baby in your tummy”. I’d been married like 3 months and I’m not skinny and was having trouble with my weight then anyway – it was kinda hurtful but looking back it was funny in that awkward way lol.
Brilliant! I had a thought it would end like that. I can hear it happening!
Thanks Julia 🙂
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