So back in June in some moment of madness I decided that I wanted to do the 101 Things in 1001 days challenge thingy. However I’d go strong for a few weeks and then get busy again and then not do it.
So I’ve come up with a plan B. I just need to implement it and stick to it like glue!
1. Similar to Project 365 – I come up with something like that so I do a certain number of goals in a year.
2. Or I half it and do 51 things in a year and then spread the other 50 things out over the remaining days.
3. Get you lot in the blogsphere to sit on me and make sure I get on and do my challneges!
4. I take your suggestions………

Yeah try short-term goals, so life is less likely to get in the way!
I am working my way back through posts and commenting back.
I’m going to work on shorter term goals – at the moment one of them is to get my blog sorted – I cleaned up my Broken Links earlier today and now I’m working on minimising the number of categories I have (I have over one hundred! Thats too many lol!)
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