I love these Currently prompts. They are used for Project Life and other scrapbooking projects but I think they work well for summarising my week.
This post was originally started using the Currently prompt from RUKristin. Have a good week!
I’ve been binge watching Doctor Who and Scandal. Scandal was about catching up. Shonda Rhimes has a thing about using actors across her different stories. The guy who plays Dr Charles Percy in Grey’s Anatomy then makes an appearance in Scandal. That’s not to mention all the others that pop up here and there.
Currently… Reading
We’re both started reading The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying by Marie Kondo. Chris has proper jumped in with both feet. This has meant he’s made several trips to the clothing bank collection near his work. He went to the recycling centre this weekend to drop off recycling. He’s then planning to spend most of the evenings this week working on shredding alot of old paperwork that he’s had for years and not needed.
I’ve had the radio on at home but not really been listening to music unless it’s been on the radio while I’ve been in the kitchen.
I’m doing okay. There’s been some stuff going on around these parts. I don’t know if I’m just being silly and overreacting or if there is actually something that needs dealing with. Also feel kind of down because my friend Emma’s dog past away. Unexpectedly he passed away yesterday. I am sad that he’s gone and I’m sad that Emma and her husband are heartbroken. Until we had our Guinea Pigs and one of them passed away I genuinely didn’t get the link between people and pets. Isaac was a working dog rather than a pet so to speak but he was still part of the family and he will be really missed. You can read Emma’s blog post here.
I’m still working on my Bullet Journal – this is a Moleskine. I’m part of a group on Facebook about bullet journaling so just as I think I’ve got an idea of what I’m doing with it I decide to work on it in a different way but that’s the good thing about Bullet Journalling is that you can change it up and adapt it as you like until you find a way that works for you.
The postcard on the left hand side was sent to me by one of my penpals. The sticker is actually a book sticker from Rogan’s Books. The cartoon on the right hand came as part of the 2015 calendar from Simply Crochet. I’ve been cutting up the calendar and using the pictures although the calendar didn’t really work for me.
On the left hand page there is notes I made for my Currently post on the 25th January. On the other page, I have my TV tracker – it seemed like a good idea to write in all the seasons. Actually it probably would have made more sense to just to the current one. As you can see Grey’s Anatomy had a takeover bid on this page. I did this quick flick through all the other pages.