Joining with Sarah from Life of Love for the 15 Day Challenge.
List Your Favourites….
Your Sofa by Becky Higg (but there’s no video! Watch this one instead – So Much More To Come)
It Doesn’t Always Have To Be Beautiful by Slow Club
Rivera Life by Caro Emerald
Hollywood Nights by Bob Seger and The Silver Bullet Band
“We’re all I’m the gutter but some of us are looking at the stars.” Oscar Wilde
“For I know the plans I have for you” says the Lord “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope” – Jeremiah 29:11 (not quite the version I know by heart though).
“Our help is in the name of the Lord, the maker of heaven and earth.” – Psalm 124:8
“I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength.” – Philippians 4:13
Cake – Carrot Cake with Cream Cheese icing or Chocolate are my favourites.
Jaffa Cakes
Bavarian (or Hungarian) Smoked Cheese
Vacation Spots
(I like city holidays. I don’t have the patience to sit and sunbath on the beach for example. If I go to the pool then I’m swimming not sunbathing).

LOVE LOVE LOVE that pic of you at the end – that sums you up perfectly.
Thank you 🙂 I love that picture – Our Sidekick took it 🙂 He’s got an amazing eye for a good photograph it’s really cool.
Great pictures. I would love to go to Paris for the holidays. 🙂
Paris is amazing! There is far too much to do in one weekend. The Lourve apparently takes at least two days to properly see it and even then it’s usually too busy to get a proper view. We stood outside and ate lunch but that was really the closest that I got to going. If you ever do make it let me know and I’ll recommend places to go.
I definitely should have gone your route and listed a bunch of favorites. That’s not the Jeremiah I know either but the point is still effective from God 🙂 I really enjoyed your list!
Hey Elise! I so agree. There’s one guy who preaches at my Mum’s church sometimes and he’s a bit of a die hard when it comes to using the King James Version. I used to use NCV but have moved to ESV. I treated myself to a new bible at the weekend (mainly as a bit of bribery to myself to get reading more) and because my pink NCV was good handbag size but no note space and my student bible was far too heavy to carry around.
Love the Bible verses as favorite quotes!
Thank you. I decided that I needed to get my butt in gear and stop being a bit of a Sunday Christian. I’d been attempting to read the bible in a year but hadn’t really got that far – I was upto Exodus and it was boggling my brain a bit so I’ve restarted but I’m reading a NT chapter each week day and then 4 Psalms in a weekend. Just a bit worried about how 119 breaks down that might be two weekends work or something lol.
Memory verses are important. I remember learning new ones each week at Sunday School. One I learnt then and till remember now is Psalm 124:8 “Our help is in the name of the Lord, the maker of heaven and earth”.
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