The whole of 2014 was a big adventure, we started the year by announcing that we were going to be parents. (53 comments and 81 likes later I think it’s the most popular Facebook status I’ve had ever!)
As Jaxon was due by the summer holidays we took our main family holiday in the Easter Holidays. We went to Ironbridge and the surrounding area for a week. It was quite tough and part way through the week I was desperate to come home. I don’t think I’ve ever got home sick since I was a kid but something got me that week and Chris really considered bringing us home early.
I worked up until the beginning of May and then started maternity leave. Towards the end of May, my Mum hosted my baby shower at her house. It was an interesting afternoon (Especially when my father in law attempted to stay!).
Jaxon arrived at the beginning of July after giving us a few false alarms. August was my brother’s wedding followed by Jaxon’s dedication in September. Loren was over from Australia for a month and she got to meet Jaxon while she was here. Jaxon had his first trip on a train to London, trip on the tube and then a trip to the airport all in November. In December, Our Sidekick had his mocks followed by a chest infection. I think he was glad to get his exams over and done with but really didn’t want to be sick that close to Christmas. Unfortunately just before Christmas we lost a family friend to Cancer but he’s now no longer in pain and he’s heaven partying with God,