At the end of 2016, I was tagged by Amy at Mummy Fox in The (Not Big or Fat) Quiz of the Year 2016! I had started it yesterday but somewhere between my iPhone and iPad it vanished in the ether so I’m catching up now!
What was your highlight of 2016?
Just one highlight to pick. That could be a real challenge. Jaxon started preschool. Daisy Media kept growing (had a shrinkie moment but that will be fixed in 2017!). Jaxon started to talk and okay it’s not 100% there but we get more and more words every couple of days. He loves red and white. This is the year that he started growing into a proper little boy! I went to Cambs Planner Con and met a whole bunch of my planner friends in person after chatting heaps on Facebook. Had a fangirl moment when I met Anna aka Mrs Brimbles in person. You know in Notting Hill when Honey meets Anna and is like “oh I think we are best friends already” or something like that, that was a bit like my reaction. (Okay so I waved like mad, my inner monologue told me to stop being a wally and then I got verbal diarrhoea haha!)
Name one thing you are most likely to remember about 2016 if asked in five years time?
I think it would be that Jaxon started speaking. At one of his reviews, he didn’t have enough words to tick the right box so we were going to take him to a SALT drop in clinic thingy. At 2.5 he’s still not old enough to really be classed as speech delayed but it was causing concern. Then in the last two months he’s just come on leaps and bounds with his words.
Sum up 2016 in one word
Name one pearl of wisdom from this year that you will carry with you through 2017
Be you, everyone else is taken.
2016 has involved a lot of good stuff but also some not good stuff. I’ve had days when I’ve curled up in bed and bawled my eyes out (don’t worry the specific one that comes to mind, Chris was on Jaxon duty while I was snuggled up). I’ve had good days too where I’ve cried happy tears. I’ve had phone calls that have changed my day for the best and others that have changed my day for the worst.
Do you have any New Year resolutions?
I am really rubbish at keeping resolutions so I try to form proper goals that I can tick off. I want to try and read more, both for pleasure but also information for my job. How to guides about getting better at social media, how to write better blog posts etc. I want to get better at posting regularly and making sure they are good posts because in a way this blog is part of a portfolio for my business.
How did you see in the New Year?
Rock n roll! I spent NYE at home playing board games with Chris and trying to finish my Temperature Blanket before the new year arrived. We also ended up watching Call The Midwife Christmas Special. At midnight, our neighbour’s dogs were going a bit bananas with the fireworks. I went upstairs to check on Jaxon and he was lying in his bed watching the fireworks light up his room. I got him up and we watched the fireworks out of his bedroom window. Then when I figured he wasn’t going to go straight back to sleep I took him downstairs and we watched the fireworks on the TV as Chris and I had been watching the live shows from London. Chris then took Jaxon to bed and we headed up shortly after.
What would you most like to do in 2017?
I’m fulfilling a sort of lifelong dream in 2017. I am finally going to Italy! It’s only for a few days and I’m sure there will still be heaps to see that we won’t fit into those few days but I am so excited to go. It’s been on my wishlist since I was at least 13 when I started learning Italian if not earlier than that. Ancient Rome was one of my favourite parts of history to learn about. I was always into ancient history a bit more than recent history.
What are your main goals for 2017?
See above about resolutions. I guess my main goal is to get my blog sorted. Blog more where possible. Keep going with Currently and get future posts organised where possible.
It’s now my turn to tag some people.
Jenna at Tiny Footsteps
Laura at Five Little Doves
If you’d like to be added to the list let me know.