1. I like pizza and pasta. Probably more than is healthy.
2. A life goal of mine is to travel more (mostly to get out of the UK – not in like a I want to leave because it sucks but I want to explore more!)
3. The last thing you would ever expect me to like (even though I secretly do) is rap. Okay so I’m not amazing and it’s not my first choice of music to listen to but some raps are catchy like Bonkers by Dizzee Rascal, the Fresh Prince theme by Will Smith and Men in Black. They are the ones I know off the top of my head. I used to know part of Stan by Eminem but that’s one is not so good to know.
4. Some wise words that I love are from the bible, “17 The Lord your God is with you, the Mighty Warrior who saves. He will take great delight in you; in his love he will no longer rebuke you, but will rejoice over you with singing.” Thank you Bible Gateway
5. Most mornings you will find me well if its a week day Themis be heading to work while trying to remember the fifty things I have to do when I get there and the five things I need to cram in to my lunch break. Well and whether I blogged or not.
6. Right now I am super into does sleep count? This week we had two days of training at work and tomorrow we have another day. I am going to be so shattered by tomorrow evening and I might have to drop out of NaNoWriMo. Unless Chris starts doing all the chores and I come home and write for Britain then I doubt it’s going to happen this year. I completed in 2010 some how, 2011 was hard with Our Sidekick having just moved in with us and this year is just crazy between work and The Fountain.
7. Right now I am super over work……..just need a holiday! Oh yeah 6 day week, 1 day weekend, 5 day week, 9 days off. Get in. Well eventually.