Technically Day 1 was Monday (I’m catching up and so today and tomorrow might be a bit spammy on your feed. Sorry!)
So what is 4KCBW all about – well that bit stands for the 4th Knitting and Crochet Blog Week.
What is Knitting and Crochet Blog Week?
Once a year knitters and crocheters that blog are invited from all over the world to take part in a community blog week in which they are presented with a number of topics to blog about over the period of seven days. The topics are very flexible and can be interpreted in many ways, so there is a good deal of variety in the posts that this inspires, which then provide wonderful reading for anyone who enjoys reading the blogs that it inspires.What Do Bloggers Get Out Of It?
The blog week was originally intended as a week in which inspiration for new and interesting blog posts and ways of blogging could be shared by the fibre arts and blogging community to find new ideas and ways of keeping blogging fresh and interesting. The other benefits that participants soon saw were an increase in the number of visitors and comments that they received over the course of blog week and also the many new blogs that they discovered by taking part. It is also great fun and a good way of shaking of any writers’ cobwebs by inspiring a fresh approach to blogging.
So here I am. First task is:
A bit like Harry Potter, but not quite, this year’s Knitting & Crochet Blog Week is split into 4 houses. Don your favourite knitted or crocheted hat and let it guide you to which house you will be in.
There were four to choose from and like Judit from Monster Yarns I decided that I was in the House of Bee.
The House of Bee: Bees are busy and industrious, but can flit from one interesting project to the next as bright and shiny things capture their interest.
This is clearly me but I kind of suck for finish what I’ve planned – I have a kit downstairs that my Mum bought me and I haven’t started because I don’t really know how to knit in the round (need to speak to Judit about that one!) I get distracted with knitting and decide to knit and purl even if it just calls for knitting, or I start one granny square only to spot something on Pinterest that I decide to give a go. At the moment, I don’t really have a project. I’m working on squares for a blanket that a group of us are making for Macmillan. My friend’s Mum organised a coffee morning last year after she had been really poorly with cancer (boo! hiss! cancer sucks!) then around Christmas I taught my friend to crochet and her Mum decided to use this to the advantage and came up with an idea that we’d crochet or knit as many 7×7 squares as we could and then we’d auction off the blanket – all the money going to the Macmillan appeal.

Bring that knitting – we’ll sort it.
I have a square for you. Only one so far but it’s my first ever square so it’s special!
Will do! Thank you! I’m excited to see the square 🙂
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