Lauren from The Little Things We Do prepares the prompts for Fill In The Blanks Friday and it’s had a bit of a makeover and now rather than being 5+ questions on a theme it’s now going to be one prompt and you go write about that prompt.
So this week’s prompt is:

So, I blog because……..
I want to be popular.
Just Kidding!
I started blogging while I was at university – it kind of started on MySpace on the notes page bit then Chris said “Why not move to a proper site?” so I think I moved myself to Blogger and gradually steered my way to WordPress under Chris’s advisement and then ended up here with my own design and URL and everything. Doh! That is more about how I got started blogging rather than why I blog! I swear this is why I suck at exams – I don’t read the question or focus properly!
So I blog because…….I think it started as somewhere for me to vent and get rid of the tension – I was in my third year at university writing a dissertation entitled something like “Should Shakespeare’s plays still be taught in school?” well it seemed like a good idea – it was something I knew about but clearly I was on the wrong track then again I did Performing Arts I think I was on the wrong track most of the time! Anyway back to the point! So I spent a bunch of time with my head in a book, Facebook was just about taking off but it was still kind of unpopulated so you couldn’t really lose whole weekends to Facebook!
I got writing and that was that. I guess films like Julie and Julia and really people like Gala Darling and Dooce inspired me to try and write better and more to become that famous blogger from Bedford (What you mean you’ve never heard of me?!) but it doesn’t happen that way. There are too many bloggers and not enough blogosphere or something like that. Anyway in my little patch of the pond, I’ve met people through my blog/twitter and I’ve been recognised via my blog (which I’ve still not got the hang of – I get all like “What? You mean you read it and you’re not one of my actual friends or family! Okay……..”).
Over to you:
How about you?
Why don’t you answer the prompt “I blog because…..”