It’s Thursday. Technically it’s my Friday for this week – but then I am working next Friday so it’s kinda like I work a split week lol. (yup 4 on 1 day off this week 4 off 1 on next week) Originally I’d planned to take the whole week off (including the Friday) but my manager goes on holiday on the Monday so I thought if I came back for the one day then we can handover and stuff and then be sorted for the next week.
I’ve still got a week in August booked off but I’m not sure what to do. I want to go and have a proper adventure off somewhere but I don’t know if I want to go on my own. I thought about getting a cheap flight and going to Dublin or something like that – but can I really do that on my own? The other option is that I go to MK or something like that the Saturday before buy fabrics and make a blind for the kitchen and other bits like that. I asked That Boy about making a blind and stuff but he got all like “Whats the point? It doesn’t get used anyway” and that general boy stuff.
Then again Dad should have the Monday off work so I could go hang out with him then and then hang out with my Mum on Thursday which is sometimes her quiet day. (She’s self employed so I’m sure even quiet days are actually busy lol.)
I have days where I read some blog posts and am just like – how cute/fab/awesome is that (and in the words of Em @ Today’s Letters – some things just need leg kicks and fist pumps! Lol)
1. Kaelah and Trisha who blogs at MarySew have made a fab joint giveaway and you can enter at MarySew’s blog here.
2. There is another giveaway here at Pearls, Lace and Ruffles – I found this blog today after the lovely D came and commenting on one of my posts earlier today. You can read about it here.
3. Today’s Letters is so lovely that you just have to read! Em and Mr L. are so fab! I think if I met them in real life we’d get on stupidly well lol (that’s just my opinion – maybe I’m wrong. lol). Everyday is super sweet but yesterday just topped it! Have a read here.