Last night I signed up to take part in NaNoWriMo – am I slightly mad? If I get a full time job where am I going to find the time in November to write a novel too!!!!!!
Also I am adding a little update for those of you who are worried lol. I have I think about 6 interviews over the next fortnight so hopefully that will result in something! I had one yesterday (yes a sunday!) at an Architects firm out near Maulden. They are looking for an Office Manager/PA – tbh I don’t think I have enough experience compared to some of the people that they had, Nick (who interviewed me) told me that he got over 200 CV’s and some were uni leavers like me and others had got 20 years of experience – now the only reason I might get employed is because I was willing to be paid the minimum (I won’t post the numbers but I might have fallen off my chair if I hadn’t been so close to the desk lol).