At first, we headed for the Free From range and started there. Even now with intolerances rising, Free From food is still more pricey that it’s gluten containing counterpart.
When I discovered that they sell gluten free flour in the Free From section I decided that I’d start experimenting with some of the “normal” recipes I like making but with Free From ingredients.
One of the best discoveries was American Pancakes and how to make them with gluten free. Rather than using plain flour like you do with normal pancakes, you chuck in gluten free self raising flour and you get puffed up yummy pancakes. A friend of my Mum’s lives in the US part of the time and on one of his trips back to the UK, he brought me back proper American Maple Syrup which was the perfect accompaniment for the gluten free pancakes.
This is technically normal chocolate muesli as per my Mums recipe but I did make it for Chris with gluten free muesli (I think it was Nut and Vine Fruit mix or something like that). Basically rather than chucking in the 3 cups of muesli that we normally use I chucked in the gluten free muesli and did the rest of the recipe as it’s goes. And it worked! Chris loved it!
This was my latest attempt and discovery, I have a love for Rocky Road, after my Mum’s Chocolate Muesli and Grandma’s Polish Cake I think it’s then my favourite. I looked up the recipe for Rocky Road and found it was really easy. We grabbed some gluten free biscuits and made a batch of gluten free Rocky Road. Both Chocolate Muesli and Rocky Road and really easy to make and then throw them in the fridge over night ready for snacks the next day. My Mum used to make chocolate muesli as my Dad had muesli for breakfast so it was often in the house anyway and worked amazing for packed lunches and for “pudding” at tea time. (In our house it works wonders for breakfast when Chris doesn’t have time for a bowl of cereal).