With it being the school holidays and the boys being away, Jaxon and I had lots of extra adventures in August.
- The boys had their adventure to the Southern Hemisphere. They spent a fortnight at Home of Hope Orphanage in Malawi. They got to meet so many new people and make new friends.
- Jaxon had a stomach bug which he kindly shared with me. Fortunately enough I literally threw up twice, slept for 11 hours and then just had a back ache to content with (which I think was my kidneys telling me I really dehydrated and needed to get some fluids in me).
- I’ve always had respect for solo parents who take care go their kids by themselves but when Jaxon was throwing up and I was dealing with it my respect went even higher. I was so grateful that normally I would be able to tag team with Chris to get Jaxon sorted out. (Actually I think if it called for it Our Sidekick would also step in).
- Food shopping with a toddler is interesting especially when he wants to look at every packet before you put it in the basket. Thankfully we got there in the end.
- I have a great bunch of friends. Quite a few said I needed anything while the boys were away I just needed to shout.
- My mum came to my rescue the day Jaxon pretty much slept and occasionally watched TV. He hadn’t been sick so I considered taking him for a walk in the buggy so I could at least get some essentials but then thought better of it. Mum was going to the supermarket anyway so she got some bits for me too. Yay for Mummies!
- Coffee dates with church friends and other friends.
- Walks around the park in the sunshine with friends too.
- Play dates that I could only get to as I had the car.
- Holiday club at Cardington. Less numbers but actually it worked better in a way.
- (Not so good) Managed to ding the car after less than 3 days of Chris trusting me with it.
- Managed to organise the insurance company and getting the car to and from the garage to get it fixed. The garage also organised a courtesy car with 5 doors so we could get Jaxon in and out when normally it would have been a 3 door basic as anything kind of car.
- IKEA date with Chris when the boys got home. Jaxon and I went to collect Chris on his second day back at work and ended up at IKEA for tea.
- Bank holiday visit to the In Laws.
- Coffee and cake with Mum and her best friend while they were on their lunch break at a sewing course.
- Coffee with a friend from school who I haven’t seen in about a decade!
I’m sure there must be other things so I think I’ll be back with updates.
To come in September:
- What we did on our Bank Holiday Monday.
- Family adventure to the seaside.
- Review of where we’re staying for that adventure.
- BedsHour Tweetup
- Finished knitting project for Jaxon.
- Update on temperature blanket.
- More entries for Awesome Ladies Project.
What have you got planned for September?