Currently - What Have I Been Upto?

Currently…12th June

We’re part way through June now and it’s time to start counting down to the Boys Crazy Adventure and then Jaxon’s Birthday on the other side of that. Our house was a crazy hive of activity and my living room...
Currently - What Have I Been Upto?

Currently… 5th June

This last week has been half term so there’s been no preschool and no church groups. There’s also been a Bank Holiday in the mix too. Here’s Currently for this week… Currently… Watching This week I watched the Grey’s Anatomy...

EllieBeth Designs Annual Day

A while back an event invite popped up on my FB notifications. Rachel (from EllieBeth Designs UK) and her team were going to be running a planner meet up in Lancashire. Okay a bit bananas but not impossible. So at...
Currently - What Have I Been Upto?

Currently…28th May

How lovely has the weather been this week. It’s been great – although I walked home one day last week and thought I was going to melt it was that hot! Currently… Watching A lot of the TV shows I...