Saving Bletchley Park 

When I was younger, my Dad would tell me about Bletchley Park and I think I would pretend to listen but really my brain was off elsewhere but the thing is I think something must have sunken in and got...

ALP Creative Team

Occasionally you get those emails in your inbox and you think “That’s really exciting but I seriously do not stand a chance”. Well I had an email and a group update like that last week and decided that I was...

Currently…7th March

This post was originally started using the Currently prompt from RUKristin. Have a good week! Currently…Watching I’ve been watching ShadowHunters on Netflix. It’s based on the Mortal Instruments books by Cassandra Clare. I also started watching House of Cards and continued...

Currently…29th February

This post was originally started using the Currently prompt from RUKristin. Have a good week! Currently…Watching I’ve been watching various shows this week. Have ended up watching lots of Disney films with Jaxon. We watched Up again this week. I do...