Currently…3rd August (BEDIA)

Each Monday I start with a sum up of what’s currently happening around these parts – especially when some weeks seem to fly by quicker than others! Watching: I had a bit of a blast from the past and so...

Slimming World Sunday #1 (BEDIA)

Two years ago yesterday I started my Slimming World journey. I was fed up of looking like I was pregnant even though I wasn’t. I was fed up of not being able to climb the stairs at work without feeling...

My August Goals (BEDIA)

Today is the first day in BEDIA, that’s Blog Every Day in August and it does what it says on the tin so to speak. I figured I would start the month by sharing my August Goals. I used to...

Five Tips for Camping with a Baby

Before we went on holiday I looked around for tips about what to pack while camping with a baby/young toddler. What I did find didn’t always answer my questions so while I was away I started on a list of...

Book Review – His Endless Love

Another book I read while on holiday was His Endless Love by Samantha Sali. In comparison to the other two books that I read while on holiday this was very different (I read the rest of The Boatman by Jonathan...