Part of me wanted to share this when it actually happened but also it was too early to tell the world and important members of our family (and social workers when it came to how Our Sidekick would still fit into our “family”) meant that I couldn’t share it then. I decided that I’d write a post as we went through so that I had some idea of how I felt each week and things like that.
This was all written over the last 16ish weeks. Some bits are a little fuzzy but they are there. This post is from the start to about Week 6.
Today it’s the 31st October 2013, I’ve know for about a week that I’m actually pregnant looking back at various symptoms it’s possible that I knew I was pregnant and last Friday was the tick in the box. I told Chris when he got in from work but actually I’d desperately been watching Star Trek for about an hour trying not to give the game away – how are you supposed to cheer and get excited when that would involve telling Our Sidekick before Chris! Yeah not such a good idea so I had to keep it myself! I went to the doctor’s yesterday (30th) and got my green book, I was also weighed and the GP updated my Asthma bits so if I needed another prescription the review was done. The GP asked had I done any maths as I knew the answers to the questions almost straight away! (a friend of mine found out she was pregnant about 9 weeks ago so I’d gone through the logical questions with her over the phone so I had some idea what the doctor was going to ask!) I am due on the 4th July 2014, it’s very exciting and so incredibly scary – I’m going to responsible for another human life, and this time unlike Our Sidekick who can tell us what’s wrong, this little human isn’t going to be able to tell us to start with.
Part of me keeps wondering if I’m not and I imagined the positive result. The GP confirmed that you can get false negatives but you don’t get false positives. I’m sure once I actually see the baby on the scan around 12 weeks it will be real and I’ll genuinely know it’s not me imagining it!
I chatted to Lorraine (who runs the Slimming World group I attend) as well to make sure where Slimming World could fit in. Slimming World actually works with the RCM (Royal College of Midwifery) to make sure that they have a plan for pregnant ladies and new mums to support them. You are obviously encouraged not to crash diet or have massive weight changes while pregnant, but given the fact that I’ve lost over a stone since August I wanted to see if I could use it to keep an eye on how much I’d gained and things like that rather than just piling on lots and then trying to lose it all again this time next year. I would like to try and stick to the extra 200-300 calories that you need per day while pregnant but I don’t want to go over board and be like – “ah ha I’m eating for two lets eat loads!”
In fact I stood on the scales today at Slimming World and had actually lost half a pound. I need to chat to my midwife when I meet with her and figure out what I can and can’t do and things like that.
I was really excited on Friday and again on Saturday. Yesterday we told Our Sidekick, I was concerned that he’d think we were trying to replace him or something like that but when we told him, he was so excited about the tiny baby socks and tiny baby shoes. I think he decided that he was going to save his pocket money and get a pair of baby DC trainers when the time came! He’s such a sweetie and he’s so excited – I think both him and Chris will be more excited when there’s a scan picture or an actual bump (as opposed to my shrinking overweight tummy!)
We haven’t told my parents yet. I really want to tell my Mum sooner rather than later so that if anything does go wrong she knows why I’m upset and why she might have to come scrap me off the floor. Chris wanted to wait until 12 weeks and I totally understand why but I wanted to be able to talk to her about things (sometimes it just needs to be a girlie chat!!)
Week 5
So that was all written on the 31st October and now it’s the 5th November. So on Friday we told my parents and my brother that I was pregnant. I know it’s early but I wanted to tell my Mum so that if there were problems and I needed her I wouldn’t need to explain everything! She’s super excited and can’t wait to get out her knitting needles and get out her baby cardigans and jumper patterns and get knitting for me. Next to tell is the in-laws,
Week 6
I get that around 12 weeks when you start show you might need different clothes but I live in jeans. I’ve found that my jeans are getting more and more uncomfortable so have bought a new pair of jogging bottoms. Not because they are tight or anything like that just that they aren’t comfortable. Then again having worn them to the Fireworks Night I need to put them through the wash. Maybe a third pair is needed?
I have been under the weather this week. Between having an infection that needed medical treatment (just antibiotics nothing to worry about) and being seriously exhausted I’ve been glad for the weekend to roll around again. Then again this week has to ramp up to Children in Need on Friday!
I went to see the Midwife on Wednesday but it seems there were wires crossed. The information I’d been given by the doctor implied that I was supposed to get in touch straight away but the midwife was like you don’t need to really come until a few weeks time when we can actually listen to the heartbeat. She told me when my first scan would be and also called the hospital to make sure that the pregnancy was registered. 20th December, how’s that for a Christmas present!