To me, it’s rather entertaining that this is today’s topic. This morning I’ve been working from IKEA in Milton Keynes while Chris has been at work. Today is the start of two weeks-ish of “solo parenting”. Do any other parents out there never know whether that’s an okay phrase to use? Just me?).
In a little while, I have to go and collect Chris from work and take him to the train station. He’s then taking the train from Milton Keynes to Euston then joining the Piccadilly Line to Heathrow (it sure is a lot colder than when Jaxon and I did it before). He’s then going to travel from London to Lilongwe in Malawi. Well, technically it’s the flight to his first destination before he catching the connecting flight tomorrow sometime.
So, most talk about travel in our house has revolved around Chris’s latest adventure. Two friends have just been on crazy adventures – one got back from Hong Kong (You can read about her visit to Hong Kong: Disneyland here) and another just got back from Japan. (Yep I am a bit jelly lol).
The list of places that I would love to visit definitely keeps growing, especially with my growing obsession with travel documentaries as a way to see the world until the budget allows! I watched Salt Fat Acid Heat a few weeks ago and wanted to go to Italy to learn about growing and harvesting olives which is hilarious because I do gardening out of a necessity rather than because I enjoy it. Maybe that one comes in the “Hide your passport before watching” category. Eat Pray Love is similar in that I get to Julia Roberts being in Italy eating Gelato and Pizza and I want to be back at Il Maggiolino stuffing my face with that fabulous pizza! You can read all about our adventures in Rome here. The other one is Julie and Julia where I get this crazy idea about decamping to France for weeks on end and blog my way around while eating as much French food as I can eat. Well, ignore the fact that Chris thinks I can be a fussy eater sometimes. (The only fish I eat is fish fingers and avoid mushrooms like the plague!). Oh and that Amy Adam’s version of Julie Powell would be my best friend and she’d guide me through how to cook Julia Child’s, Beouf Bourguignon. (A friend of mine emigrated to France earlier this year, maybe she needs to teach me how to make French Beouf Bourguignon so that I can make it when I come back? Right?)
My current list of places to visit is available here on my blog – it’s called Hannah’s Wanderlust List.
Where’s your favourite place to visit? Have you got a worst one?

Wow, blog every day? I’m impressed. As for my favorite travel place, it was Canada, taking day trips from our base in Calgary up to the glaciers, Head-Smashed-In Buffalo Jump, the Continental Divide, the Canadian Rockies, Lake Louise and many more beautiful spots.
Yey, thank you for the shout-out! 🙂 (Which reminds me, I have many more blog posts to write up from that trip!)
Italy is the place I go back to the most – usually every other year – but I’m not sure I have a worst place to travel. I didn’t like Turkey the first time I went, but had a much better trip the next time – I guess it depends on where you go and who you go with to how a trip pans out.
Hope you get to tick off some more of your Wanderlust List soon. 🙂
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