Well, Facebook asks me “What’s on your mind, Hannah?”
It took my four attempts to write one status, the first time Facebook had a moment and deleted everything I’d written then the second and third time it didn’t make sense. Thankfully the fourth time seemed to be the charm which was good because I was about to catapult my phone across the room – or out the window. I hadn’t decided at that point.
#ChristmasisCancelled is trending on Twitter. But Christmas isn’t cancelled. It’s different but it’s not cancelled.
When Chris and I got married, our first married Christmas was different from those that came before it. Along the way when The Kiwi lived with us or when Our Sidekick and then Jaxon joined our family – Christmas was different. One year we even went out for Christmas Dinner – now that was weird, I really struggled it felt like Christmas and at the same time it really didn’t. Traditions were tweaked or adapted. Some were probably even lost along the way.
in a year where Our Sidekick moved back in temporarily and out again, we isolated and we “Lockdown Learned”, and a baby Rex arrived, Christmas will be different again. It’ll be more so different because Chris won’t be home for Christmas. I was due to collect him from the airport tomorrow but now with Tier 4 restrictions in place. I won’t be doing that either. This evening, we explained to Jaxon that Chris wouldn’t be home for Christmas, and it was so hard after us counting down all week to Daddy being home. It completely sucks but if us being separate and not seeing family this year means that everyone is around the table next year then we’ll do it. We’ll have Christmas The Sequel in a few weeks when Chris can make it home and my Christmas Tree will be back up again even if I look like I’ve lost the plot. (Does that mean I will have won Christmas 2021 by having my tree up first?)
Anyway, before Facebook or I could delete it again, I posted it and then saved it here. I’m posting it so Christmas isn’t cancelled it’s just different and we can make it happen. Let’s do this thing.