Here’s Blogmas! Technically I think it’s supposed to be Vlogmas but in the CRAZEE that is coming over the next few days the idea of trying to film and edit without Jaxon creating havoc just makes me a bit more stressed so writing this in bed or hiding elsewhere in the house seems like a good plan and hopefully I might just keep up!
With it being the quiz night at church today, the day was always set to be a bit crazy. In the morning in Chris put the finishing touches to the quiz while Jaxon and I played downstairs. While Jaxon was playing I wrapped presents and wrote some Christmas cards. I even had a conversation with Chris’s cousin about addresses and as she’s a teacher whether she was counting down the days to the holiday.
I worked on wrapping Christmas presents while Jaxon played. I also got some Christmas cards written ready to hand out.
At lunchtime I headed to church for the craft club and started what would be a bit of a crazy afternoon.
I helped set up and then got some knitting done. When mum arrived we worked on setting up the tables for the quiz and doing some bits for that before heading back to doing our knitting or crochet. We got to chat to my cousin’s new housemate too which was lovely.
After popping into town for a flying visit, Jaxon, Chris and my sister in law headed back to church and I dashed between packing up craft club and setting up for the quiz. At one point we decided it would be better to take Jaxon home and start the bedtime routine. I also was despatched to order some food to be delivered to church so that Chris, my sister in law and I would have eaten before the quiz. We actually ended up sharing a large pizza between four of us but that’s the kind of thing you do, isn’t it? (Or maybe just us!)
The quiz went really well and rather than worrying whether people would show up I was a bit more worried about whether there would be enough chairs and tables for the teams.
We had 14 tables so about 100 people which was great. The “auction” for prizes went well too and quite a few people said at the end how much they had enjoyed that bit.
We got to the point where we were going to pack away and I was so grateful when lots of people just started packing away chairs, folding tables or collecting rubbish etc. I half expected it to be Chris myself and a few others and that would be it for packing away but quite a few people stayed and helped.
We were invited to an “after party” at our friend’s house which was really lovely of them. We stayed for a little while then came home, by then it was definitely bed time and another day in December was done.