Technically I think it’s supposed to be Vlogmas but in the CRAZEE that is coming over the next few days the idea of trying to film and edit without Jaxon creating havoc just makes me a bit more stressed so writing this in bed or hiding elsewhere in the house seems like a good plan and hopefully I might just keep up!
While we had our breakfast I opened Day One of my Brimbles Advent Box. It is more than a chocolate calendar but the syns value is a lot lower and it’s a treat.
Today was this pencil case. I didn’t have chance to move bits around but think I will over the next few days so I can start using it.
Today started as most Thursday and we went to Centre 41 at Woodside. The Christmas craft was making crackers but I sat at one end knitting, I wasn’t being antisocial it was just that’s what I wanted to do today. I did make this Christmas tre paper ornament though. It’s just made out of pre-cut circles that you fold along embossed lines and then stick together.
Following Centre 41, we headed home as it was lunchtime. Jaxon was getting more and more grouchy at me. I think he might be the kind of kid who will get hangry so having emergency snacks might be a good plan!
While I had been at group, I had spotted this on Facebook so I had added it to my timeline and started to mentally plan some of the “challenges”.
When I arrived home, two more Christmas presents had arrived along with my Christmas tree earrings from Magpies’ Charm. How stinkin’ cute are they?? And so light! I wore them all evening at the Tweetup and had no issue with them! Yeah! I love the sticker on the Christmas present box so I might have to see if I can rescue it or something once the box is finished with.
Once we’d had some lunch I set about trying to get my invoicing done. It took me a little while between other bits but I got there in the end which was a relieve. It’s obviously one of those important things but I’ve not figured out a way to make my “timesheets” easier to tally – that’s one to figure out over 2017.
After some last minute worrying around the Tweetup this evening I headed to Slimming World with Mum. I managed to lose half a pound this week which I’m sure I have put back on with the food at the Tweetup but I’m going to draw a line and start again tomorrow.
Even now I still get a bit relieved when people do turn up for a Tweetup. I have been to one when because of one thing or another there was just me and one other person at a Tweetup. This time there was 15ish people which was good.
The theme for the Secret Santa was “What is your small business must have?” I received a lovely big mug and two sachets of tea from Q at Nothing but Tea. I would tell you what I gave but that might give away the game. ALthough it’s possible that my person has guessed who gave it to them.
Anyway, I really need to go to bed now. You can read more about the Tweetup on the BedsHour page here.