Blogtober is a blogging challenge to post every day in October. Well, I say everyday, will that happen? We’ll see!
So I’m starting with my goals for the month – and as you might have already seen.
Edited from a templated shared on IG by @redmugcoffeemamma.
Launch Episode 1
Well that happens pretty quickly. I wanted to launch on the 1st October but I was getting closer to the day and not a lot was happening. Between one thing and another this self imposed goal was looming and I wasn’t getting any closer. Well in the end it worked out that I had a little time on Friday to get it sorted then on Saturday morning, while the boys were out I finished tweaking and sent it out into the wild. Goal complete.
Whether anyone would listen is another thing but maybe just maybe someone other than my Mum might have a listen. (You can too: Anchor, Spotify, Apple Podcasts). Show notes can be found here.
Finish My Shortie Socks
In my stash, I found some yarn which looks like it’s something by Regia, however it was just one full ball and maybe 2/3s of a second ball. It worked out that I had a specific amount per sock, so shortie socks seemed like a good idea.
Blogs + Blogtober
October is in the same place every year, it’s not like it jumps out the cupboard and slots itself in between April and May instead and yet, we got to October and I wasn’t ready. So rather than blog everyday I’m aiming for once a week and we’ll see if I can get to any more than that!