Once again, I’m committing to Blogtober, but whether I’ll make it happen or not is another thing. One day I’ll manage all the days without having to catch up at weekends or something like that. For now, Happy Blogtober.

Rex and I are poorly again.
Yep. Having just got over that cold from the other week and no longer coughing. We’re both poorly again. Thankfully it seems like a 24-hour bug as we’d both perked up again around lunchtime but was still us being poorly.
No adventures today, just lots of TV time. We worked our way through more Bluey (please release some more. 54 episodes at 8 minutes apiece means we get through them on a regular basis at the moment), then when Rex napped I watched some more Private Practice. Jaxon and I watched Luca this evening, I think I might have slept through some of it.
By the time it was the end of school and time to collect Jaxon, I was really feeling it again – this time I’d got a niggly headache coming. I knew it was more than likely dehydration and I really needed to try and drink some more but the squash we had in was making me feel a little queasy (I have no clue why) so I tried just water but
Once both boys were in bed, I went to bed at 9 pm (which is very early for me!). I did start watching a TV episode on my phone while I was in bed but the bright light was making my head hurt more so decided sleep was better! I slept until around midnight when Rex woke for a feed. I then dozed off again until Chris arrived home from his work thing (around 1 am apparently!) . He then told me about his day and the work thing before we both went to sleep. I woke at 5 am to sort Rex out and we all went back to sleep until 6.40. That was when Jaxon came in, he was trying to find out what time he could get up – Chris said it was 7, so I said Jaxon could come in and snuggle for a little bit (while everyone else was asleep lol).
BUT, in other news, our car is fixed and my Dad collected it from the garage – superstar! (Chris commented about how long it took but I think with it not exactly being urgent we were bumped down the list each time something urgent came into the garage).
You can read all of my Blogtober posts from this year here. I’ve also attempted to take part in previous years and they are here. You can also read about our previous trips to Copenhagen here, here and here.